2nd Gen Tundra

2007-2021 5.7L V8
Tuning begins with reading the vehicles ECU and getting a stock file to start building on. Once the tune is built and installed, we will go for a test drive to datalog. If the log shows it needs improvements, or if you want changes made we can make changes.
Full transmission tuning is supported on Tundras.

Main improvements include:

– Better throttle response
– More torque and horsepower throughout the entire power band, especially in the low end
– Power gains at 2850 RPM: +37.03 ft/lbs / +20.71 HP
– Smoother, more predictable shifting
– Improved towing performance

Options are also available for:

– Throttle sensitivity preferences
– Tire size
– Gearing
Full custom tuning is also available, including tuning for supercharged trucks.
Standard OTT Tune starts at: $649 +GST
Custom Tunes start at: $799 +GST
Supercharged Tunes start at: $998 +GST
All vehicles must have fully intact emissions systems regardless if your province of residence has emissions regulations or not. We will not turn off the check engine light.